Forestry companies, landowners and governments produce treecoin based on verified carbon drawdown data.
Generate wealth while reforesting the world.
Creating a liveable and prosperous world is a team effort. TreeCoin ensures living assets underpin our economy.
Plant trees and be paid for carbon they drawdown, then sell carbon tokens to individuals and organisations.
Individuals and Organisations
Transparent and verified, treecoin is an easy way to fulfil and showcase your commitment to sustainability.
Planet & Humanity
Making reforestation profitable is great for Earth. Using carbon storage as a proof of work means treecoin tokens are backed by productivity.
"To date, there's a complete lack of grassroots incentives to resolve the challenges of reforestation."
We believe people will take better care of the environment if they can profit from their efforts.
The solution must be:
Every treecoin is backed by data showing where the carbon was captured.
Each project is verified with industry leading AI carbon auditing technology.
Each treecoin is equal to one tonne of carbon drawn out of the atmosphere.
TreeCoin uses carbon drawdown measurements from remote sensing, drones and AR as a proof of work mechanism for minting carbon-backed tokens on a blockchain.
TreeCoin aims to solve an environmental and fiscal problem as the token supply is naturally constrained by the amount of carbon stored.
1 treecoin = 1 tonne of C02e
Connecting growers and purchasers to the global carbon market, in 4 steps.
Grower's trees generate treecoin. Buyers purchase them to support sustainability so Growers are incentivised to keep their trees in the ground. The excess is stored value. More trees in the ground, Growers get paid for their work, Buyers support real tree growth, everyone wins.
Treecoin validates all measurements with satellite data and AI-driven carbon gateway partners to ensure data is legitimate. All data is stored on the blockchain.

Organisations seeking to demonstrate their commitment to sustainability purchase treecoin directly from growers through the portal.
Send your treecoin tokens to a carbon-lock wallet where it is retired. Use the on-chain data as proof to market your company's sustainability commitment.
Choose how to participate
How do you want to contribute to the stability of our future?
Carbon-backed money for a harmonious future.
By monetising the carbon storage work of trees, tree owners and emitters work together to reduce net emissions. The byproduct is a form of money that is one-to-one backed by a tonne of stored carbon — treecoin.

Built on the first carbon-neutral blockchain.
Treecoin is built on the highly scalable and robust Polygon blockchain enabling complete transparency and accountability.